# cmpt-370-group-project To run the scheduling app properly you must have the database running and the server connected to it. How to set up the MySQL database: - Download and run the MySQL Installer, make sure that MySQL Server is installed (optionally install MySQL Workbench). - Create a MySQL server and with whatever host address you like and an available port. If your running it locally than you can keep it these values as default. - In MySQL open the sql file "ScheduleApp.sql" and execute the following commands: * create database ScheduleApp; * use ScheduleApp; * create table Employees( employee_ID INT NOT NULL auto_increment, first_name varchar(25), last_name varchar(25), primary key (employee_ID) ); * create table Shifts( shift_id INT NOT NULL auto_increment UNIQUE, full_date DATE, start_time INT, end_time INT, employee_ID INT, PRIMARY KEY (shift_id), FOREIGN KEY (employee_ID) REFERENCES Employees(employee_ID) ); - Open the 'server' tab at the top and select 'server status', and make sure that the server status is 'Running' How to set up the Scheduling Server: - In the main method in the ScheduleServer input the proper parameters: * ip: The local address that you want the server to listen to. If your running the server and the client on the same machine set it to "localhost". * port: The port that you want the server to listen to. * dbURL: "jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/DB_Name". Change 'hostname' to the MySQL MySQL server address, Change 'port' to the MySQL server port, and 'DB_Name' to the MySQL server database. (This should be ScheduleApp) to the * dbUser: The user name of the MySQL server. * dbPass: The password of the MySQL password. - Save, then run the main method.