def hcbf(self, packet, state):
    if len( == 0:
        return False

    community =

    c_of = lambda n: community[n]
    same_community = lambda a, b: c_of(a) == c_of(b)

    cbc_of = lambda n, d: community.get_cbc(c_of(n), c_of(d))
    lp_of = lambda n: community.get_lp(n)
    ncf_of = lambda n, d: community.get_ncf(n, c_of(d))
    ui_of = lambda n: community.get_ui(n)

    max = lambda a, b: a if a[0] >= b[0] else b

    if len(c_of(self)) == 0:
        return False

    dest = packet.destination
    max_cbc = (cbc_of(self, dest), self)
    max_lp = (-1, None)
    max_ncf= (ncf_of(self, dest), self)
    max_ui = (-1, None)

    my_lp = lp_of(self)
    my_ui = ui_of(self)

    for met in self.links:
        if met == dest:
            # direct transfer
            self.send(met, packet)
            return True

        if same_community(met, dest):
            met_ui = ui_of(met)
            met_lp = lp_of(met)
            if met_ui > my_ui:
                max_ui = max((met_ui, met), max_ui)
            max_lp = max((met_lp, met), max_lp)
        elif same_community(met, self):
            met_cbc = cbc_of(met, dest)
            max_cbc = max((met_cbc, met), max_cbc)
            met_ncf = ncf_of(met, dest)
            max_ncf = max((met_ncf, met), max_ncf)

    if max_ui[1] is not None and same_community(max_ui[1], dest):
        self.send(max_ui[1], packet)
        return True

    if max_lp[1] is not None and same_community(max_lp[1], dest):
        self.send(max_lp[1], packet)
        return True

    if max_cbc[1] is not self:
        self.send(max_cbc[1], packet)
        return True

    if max_ncf[1] is not self:
        self.send(max_ncf[1], packet)
        return True

    if max_ui[1] is not None and max_ui[0] > my_ui:
        self.send(max_ncf[1], packet)
        self.send(max_ui[1], packet)
        return True

    if max_lp[1] is not None and max_lp[0] > my_lp:
        self.send(max_lp[1], packet)
        return True

    return False