# pydtnsim

pydtnsim is a python module for simulating delay tolerant networks.

Table of Contents:
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Development](#development)

## Installation

pydtnsim has been run with Python 3.4 and 3.6.

To install pydtnsim, simply:
$ pip install git+https://git.cs.usask.ca/discus/pydtnsim.git

## Usage

There are examples in the `examples/` directory.

## Development

Clone the repository via ssh:
$ git clone git@git.cs.usask.ca:discus/pydtnsim.git
or via https:
$ git clone https://git.cs.usask.ca/discus/pydtnsim.git

Then install the package and it's dependencies:
$ cd pydtnsim
$ pip install --editable .